Basic Questions
Why is the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission Civil Services Examination (MPPSC) considered one of the toughest exams mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
This question is in the minds of most of the candidates needs to be got out of the way before going on to other questions. After this, we will only be talking about how to crack the exam. So, why is there hype
over this one exam in the entire nation? We give here some of the reasons.
Uniqueness of the civil servicesthere are many professions-medical, engineering, chartered accountancy-but none like the civil services. No other profession touches the range of people as does
the civil services. The civil services examination is one of its kind. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
This exam is not limited to one subject but ranges over many areas. The General Studies papers demand an in-depth knowledge of several subjects, besides a sharp awareness of developments. It is, thus, different
from other professional examinations that demand expertise in only a single subject at a time. It draws people from all the fields; it fuels fierce among some of the most ambitious and qualified Indians.
Attraction of the service
The ability to make a direct impact on the lives of people, besides being a very well-paid employment avenue, makes the civil services attractive to a lot of people. Therefore, the number of people attempting the
MPPSC is very large. Needless to say, this makes the competition stiff.
Subjective nature of the exam
You never know what will work exactly in the exam. There are many stages in which subjectivity enters. Thus, your preparation may not get truly reflected in your performance. This makes the exam really
An addictive quality
Serious candidates, who do not make it through the exam, analyze what went wrong with their attempts. One year it is the essay, the next year it is the interview, and another year it is the Prelims. The “this is
my year” mindset plays into pushing people into attempting the exam year after year. Competition keeps increasing. mppsc coaching. Many people give up only after exhausting all attempts or on reaching the maximum
age limit.
Cream contest Several people who have cleared some tough exams such as the engineering, medical, MBA, or chartered accountancy, also appear in the MPPSC. So, imagine the IQ level Competing here!
All the above factors in combination make this exam a tough nut to crack! But every lock has a key.
With that said, let us get acquainted with the exam in a simple and brief manner.
As a mentor to the MPPSC aspirants, how would you guide them from the beginning mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
If we were to guide someone from scratch, here is an easy-to follow and yet comprehensive brief. We hope you get something out of them.
Measure the field that you want to win in.Read and study for the examination syllabus and the previous years’ papers (both the Prelims and the Mains) three or four times before you do
anything else. Just try to get a feel of this exam without having any pre-conceived notions
- Do not try to answer any questions at this stage.Just try to understand the questions themselves.
Thorough but selective reading of newspapers is a must.Many of the questions relate to current developments in the respective subjects. Newcomers are often confused about what to read
since newspapers are filled with all kinds of information. Here, the previous year's papers would help. best mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar. The questions will be able to tell you what news items are important.
For example, the fact of a new president being elected may not be important in itself from the exam point of view, but ‘how’ the president is elected could be important. Without any external help, you, as
an aspirant, can see for yourself how to filter the necessary news from the unnecessary. The ability is not likely to come in a day, so you need to keep at it.
- Do not think in terms of the Prelims or the Mains for studying General Studies.The basic books to be read for both are similar for most of the subjects.
Note-making is important.You have to pick and choose what should be taken down as notes and what can be read and revised from the original source. Note-making is not required for basic
books as most of these books are written in a concise manner. best coaching for mppsc in Ashoknagar Just underlining important parts or making marginal notes is enough. In the case of newspapers and other
current affairs, note-making is invariably required.
Use innovation that brings efficiency.Note-making need not be a boring exercise. It takes time to be creative.
Minimize paperwork.The thumb rule should be not to buy new books unless the previous set is finished. Avoid indulging in impulsive purchases while strolling photocopy shops/online forums.
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Indulge in hobbies.Find some stress busters before getting immersed in preparation. These can be jogging, playing the guitar, listening to music, etc. Enjoy periods of relaxation doing
what you like. Try to avoid stress eating, however!
Get comfortable with maps.Maps can be stressful for a lot of people. You have to get over this fear to stay at the top of geography questions and more! Purchase a world map and two Indian
maps (Physical and Political) in poster size and hang them in your study room. Look at them for a few minutes every day. Glance through portions of the maps on different days. Slowly, you will start
internalizing various physical features of India and the world.
Stay away from social media during the time of preparation.Social media only leads to unnecessary comparisons and envy. A ‘Quote’ or a ‘Tip’ of the day from civil servants on Twitter may
not be all that helpful in actual preparation.
Talk to your parents or anyone close to you.They have your welfare at heart. Also, if you are blessed with good friends, talk to them too. They would boost your confidence. At times,
friends have more confidence in us than we do in ourselves.
What are the things a beginner in the MPPSC preparation should know mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
There are many things that you have heard about this examination from your peers, parents, and the media. best coaching for mppsc in Ashoknagar However, there are some hard and soft truths that you should know, but
no one will feed you these at the first go; they dawn on you only as you enter deeper into preparing for this examination. Let me give you some pointers.
Everyone wants to clear the examination in the very first attempt, but it is not possible for everyone. And it is okay. Accept that. In no way does it reflect on your caliber if you do not get through in
your first attempt.
- There are services other than the Top Position which may be allocated to you after the results. After all, the scope of the civil services is more than becoming a DM/SP. Accept that as well.
There is no short cut to core learning. You have to read core books written for this examination. best mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar. You have to develop an interest in many subjects, all of which are
essential to get to know your country that you wish to serve. Thus, there should be no complaints about the syllabus. Some students grumble that they do not have interest in social science subjects as
they have studied engineering, MBA, etc. Sorry, but you will just have to read the subjects with an open mind and develop at least an interest in them, irrespective of personal preferences. best coaching
for mppsc You will most likely grow to like these subjects as social sciences have immense applications in personal and public lives.
Preparation can get costly, especially if one is less organized and experimental. You need to be careful in this regard, especially if you are leaving a paid job to prepare for the MPPSC. You may have to
think of long-term monetary implications for yourself and your family and make plans accordingly
- What you get to do after this exam. Thus, you need to have some inclination for it beforehand. If you can, try to volunteer your time for a social cause (good exposure for college students).
Everyone wants to know what toppers read to clear the exam. In reality, they also read more or less the same things. Thus, instead of asking for their notes, ask for tips or a broad outline. mppsc
coaching fees. Then choose your own way. What worked for one person in technique may not work for another. Take the road less taken if you have to, but develop your own style.
- Use resources efficiently. Do not duplicate efforts. Use the community of aspirants for mutual benefit and not for celebrating birthdays. Choose your company wisely.
What should a MPPSC aspirant know beforehand, other than the syllabus, for preparation of various papers mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
The syllabus in MPPSC’s notification hits like an avalanche. However, it can be managed by keeping the following points in mind:
Previous years’ papers will guide you.The way to get a proper ‘feel’ of the exam is to go through the previous years’ papers, both Prelims and Mains. It should not be a one-time exercise; it
should be reinforced every week, at least in the initial months, so that your preparation remains focused especially while reading the newspaper. It is easy to get lost while reading a newspaper as it provides
tones of information every day but not everything is important. mppsc coaching near me
The previous years’ papers will give you a hint as to what you should read/skip. The exam papers will also give you an idea of the depth of knowledge required in different subjects as well as the various formats
of the questions.
Prelims and Mains are not separable in neat boxes.They have huge overlaps. Thus, try to integrate your preparation as much as possible. For example, books on Indian polity and modern Indian
history or even geography should be read for both Prelims and Mains together. Both factual and analytical aspects of history should be done together. top 10 mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar Of course, you would need
exclusive preparation too when a particular exam is approaching. At that time, you can orient yourself according to the need of that examination, with the same material.
Do not just blindly copy monthly Current Affairs put out by websites.Much of it is useless in the long run. Let cost-benefit ratio guide you-if you do not have the time to revise the material 3
or 4 times, there is no sense in picking it up.
RSTV (available on YouTube) is a valuable source.Many of the programmes are important. Just make a quick note of arguments in the debates and interviews for better understanding of issues,
especially relating to polity, international relations, economy, and defense.
Learn to make notes.One can take inspiration from the notes of successful candidates, but there is no need to copy the content or style. A topic that is difficult for one may be easy for another
because he/she is familiar with it. top mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar So, you need to choose the details you need. It is kind of like Kung fu. You can have a teacher to learn from, but, to succeed, you have to develop
your own style.
Essay paper (Hindi) should not be put on the back burneras most of us are not in the habit of writing long answers in Hindi after leaving school. Essay can play a spoiler as well as prove to be a
shot in the arm for your rank. Thus, take time out to write essays regularly and obtain diverse opinions from both MPPSC and non-MPPSC friends. Since the latter’s opinions are not structured according to the
needs of this examination, this might help you to think out of box.
For the MPPSC, people advise the aspirants to go through the syllabus and memorize it. Is that necessary mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
We know this advice of reading the syllabus may be frustrating, given the syllabus for the Mains is vast and seems to cover everything under the sun. Memorizing the syllabus is something that every aspirant
should do but not as a rote exercise. Ashoknagar mppsc coaching. It has to be done with a purpose. We are sure that you will be able to recall the syllabus without difficulty if you follow the steps given below:
Read the syllabus along with previous years’ papers. This is the key to internalization. Reading them together would enable you to get an idea of how the syllabus is the basis for the questions that are set, how
the syllabus is reflected in the questions. mppsc coaching near me
Reading the syllabus and the previous years’ papers should not be a one-time activity. It has to be reinforced through multiple readings in the initial phase of preparation until you can recall even the minute
details from the syllabus. You may write down the syllabus and hang it on your wall and refer to it every now and then. Before reading a subject, read its syllabus. Use a sectional approach.
What would you advise those who started their MPPSC preparation 6–7 months before the Prelims examination mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Many aspirants work on a tight schedule as they have jobs, or may be due to a delayed realization that they had to get into the civil services, and so on. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar with fees There is nothing to
fear though. As long as you adopt the right means with the least amount of wasted effort, 6–7 months should be sufficient.
Keep the following in mind as a general outline of preparation:
- Read previous years’ papers + syllabus of the exam three or four times before starting the preparation. This step is the same for the early as well as the late birds.
- Focus on core areas like polity, economics, history, and geography for the GS papers.
Read newspapers religiously from the very beginning of your preparation and cover the backlog from secondary sources (monthly magazines). You should cover the current affairs at least one year prior to
the month of the preliminary examination. top mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
- You may have to study for 5-7 hours from day 1, Make a schedule of your own. (This may, of course, vary depending on individual capability and grasping power.)
As you have limited time, you need to prioritize completing your study of as much of the syllabus in the GS as possible. You may devote more time after the Prelims to writing answers for the Mains
preparation. Ashoknagar mppsc coaching. Test series of Sharma Academy would be of help.
Solve the previous years’ papers of the Prelims after finishing a whole subject like geography, history, polity, etc. A book on the solved papers of past years or a Prelims Sharma Academy test series
available may be useful for this. Follow the schedule that you made and stick to it. Last but not the least, always CHIN UP. Whenever you are feeling low, just remind yourself of why you began this
journey and move on.
Mistakes and Problems
What mistakes do aspirants commit in the preparation of MPPSC mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
When the task is huge and the competition is tough, mistakes abound. We give here our take on mistakes committed by people.
Forgetting Abraham Lincoln’s advice on sharpening the knife before cutting down the tree is a basic mistake.Most of the aspirants come with huge energies, drawn by the charm of the civil
services. But the first step is to understand the exam itself, come up with a basic plan of a study schedule according to the needs of the exam, and then make an honest effort at ‘‘cutting down the
Disregarding the advice of colleagueswho may have failed but know better, or asking questions without actually learning from the answers provided is not sensible. Make sure that the book
in your hand does not suffer the same fate, as you are giving it your valuable time.
Overestimating one’s capabilities with no introspection capabilitiescan be a huge mistake. We've had funny encounters with people claiming to have superior “grasping capabilities by
reading less and retaining more”. While there may be a few such geniuses, most of us have to rely on honest hard work to clear this exam.
Not setting a firm goal can prove detrimental.Some people start having fun with preparation: they either fall in love with the glorious history of India or love hanging out with
aspirant-friends. While enjoyment with learning is to be appreciated, one should never forget that this exam has to be cleared in a limited time frame. You do not want to waste a large part of your
productive life in attempt after attempt with no fruition. Remain focused on the needs of the exam. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar with fees
What are the problems faced by the MPPSC aspirants which are hardly ever discussed mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
There are several problems an aspirant faces, which are swept under the carpet. Here are some of the major ones:
Mental stresswith stiff competition, aspirants tend to stress and, unfortunately, this issue has not been sufficiently addressed. mppsc coaching. The aspirants are expected to be ‘mature adults’
capable of dealing with these problems. Uncertainty in selection, monetary problems, and relationship troubles add to mental pressure.
Social isolationThe lack of useful social support can augment stress, especially for those living in highly stressful environments and restless aspirants buying all the material available at
photocopy shops.
Sense of despairThere is an overwhelming feeling of “where did I go wrong” due to the luck factor involved. A feeling of envy is natural too when aspirants see their peers succeeding, especially
when they, by their own admission, “didn’t study much”.
Dependence on parents for moneythis can weigh heavily on the mind of an aspirant. It is bad enough for boys, as, traditionally, they are expected to earn a living on their own, but it can be
worse for girls, as the support dries up pretty fast and they are expected to get married after initial failures. Ashoknagar mppsc coaching
Role of moneyin the process of preparation, the space for aspirants from the lower middle class and the lower class backgrounds appears to be shrinking. With a skew in favour of the English
medium in the entire exam, the aspirants from rural backgrounds suffer a disadvantage.
Deterioration of physical health, Healthsuffers. Lifestyle problems are common across the civil service aspirants. Most aspirants do not factor in same active physical routine in their tight
study schedule. The reason for enumerating these problems in this book is to prepare you so that you are aware enough to tackle them before they hit you.
What is the something that the MPPSC toppers do not tell anyone mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Well, the MPPSC toppers are no intelligence agents that they can hide secrets. Neither is the MPPSC toppers’ community a closed one to have any such confidential matter. They are normal individuals, but they are
ready to work hard. Yet, there are a few things that successful folks do not share openly: best coaching for mppsc
Everyone has some motivation to enter the civil services. Aspirants should know that the motivation of the toppers is similar to that of an average Indian. Ashoknagar mppsc coaching. There is nothing special about
Not everything they do during their preparation will work in the exam as it is an unpredictable exam. Thus, along with knowledge, grit is required to get through the stages of the examination.
Not everyone studies for 12–15 hours every day. Everyone has a different schedule and a different journey on the path to ‘success’.
Strategies are not as foolproof as are put forward after success. Everyone innovates something's on the go! The achievers are also humans; they too would have felt loneliness, frustration, and even ridicule for
their failures. However, they worked through that negativity to achieve success. Thus, next time you meet a topper, ask him/her about a low phase and how he/she overcame it.
What qualities differentiate successful candidates from ‘pseudo aspirants’ of the civil services mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Though ‘pseudo aspirants’ is a slightly harsh, perhaps even a wrong term, We guess an intelligent differentiation should be made between two classes of aspirants. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar ‘Pseudo aspirant’ stands
for those candidates who are not serious about the civil services as a goal.
The factors that mark out the successful aspirants are as follows:
The MPPSC is not for fun. People with the endgame of clearing this exam in a limited time frame are usually the ones to succeed. Be This Person!
Focus and determination in the right direction as opposed to business-as-usual college-like approach makes the difference between success and failure. best coaching for mppsc
Strong strategy and a stronger base of knowledge to pull through the unseen and unexpected, especially during the stressful personality test, mark the successful candidate.
Serious aspirants develop introspecting abilities that enable a critical approach, the readiness to look for mistakes, instead of surrounding themselves with admirers who tell them how good they are.
Flexibility to adapt is a huge plus point, as this exam is continuously changing. This is especially so for aspirants who have attempted the exam again and again; they should avoid getting set in the ways of what
they did in their initial attempts. top mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
Grit, determination, and self-motivation push serious aspirants towards success despite repeated setbacks.
We have encountered cases of aspirants with a laid-back attitude ‘enjoying’ the comforts at the expense of their parents with no accountability. It is our conviction that the conversion from being an aspirant to
a topper or a successful candidate seldom occurs for this crowd. It is truly up to you to decide which category you belong to.
What is expected from a MPPSC aspirant in terms of knowledge and traits, mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
As far as knowledge is concerned, the MPPSC syllabus for the MPPSC outlines the basic requirements. It practically has all social science subjects and more. mppsc coaching
To absorb such vast knowledge is no mean feat. However, beyond this knowledge, civil servants are required to have some traits such as:
- They have to be problem solvers—able to provide a solution beyond all the bureaucratic claptrap. There is no place for excuses when huge public resources are at stake.
- They have to be innovative and law-abiding.
- They must have a leadership quality to motivate subordinates and enthuse them for public service. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar with fees
- They must have a lot of foundational values-honesty, integrity, empathy for the weaker sections, a spirit of public service, courage, just to name a few.
- They must be clear-headed persons who can make optimal utilisation of limited resources.
- They must have the intelligence and the ‘emotional quotient’ to understand a difficult situation easily and take fast decisions.
- They must have a genuine interest in serving others as this ensures the last-mile delivery even without the desire to seek recognition.
Parents and Relatives
What should the parents of the MPPSC aspirants know mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
The MPPSC journey is not just an individual’s journey, it is almost like a collective dream for most Indian families. best mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar Thus, there are some crucial things that parents should also
know. (If you are an aspirant, be sure to send this answer to your supportive parent!) Parents should know that the MPPSC is unlike any other exam that their child has attempted. They need to protect their
children from the judgmental uncles and aunties and that ‘neighbor’ whose kid passed it ‘in the very first attempt’.
Parents must not tell/brag about their child’s preparation to the rest of the world. It creates unnecessary pressure from relatives. best coaching for mppsc in Ashoknagar The MPPSC might cost them more than their
child’s college education. They need to be prepared for it.
Their children would need their full support, especially during setbacks. Parents need to keep a look out for signs of depression in the children. Parental support is pivotal at such times.
After setbacks, parents should let their child decide whether he/she wants to continue or drop the preparation. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar with fees Parents should try to be supportive for any decision taken in
such an event.
If one child has cleared the exam, parents should not force the younger one also to go for it, solely based upon the success of the elder one. The MPPSC journey is a psychological ride which only the willing
should undertake.
An important thing that parents should know is that their children do recognize their parents’ contribution and sacrifice. And they love their parents for that. All the best, parents! You keep us going!
My parents are not keen about my attempting the MPPSC. Should I still go for it mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
In a family-centric society like ours, we crave for parental validation for major decisions in life. In most cases, parents are supportive but if they are not, please keep the following in mind:
The preparation for the MPPSC may turn out to be a long battle, and parental support is usually the last thing standing with an aspirant in case of continuous failures. Not having parental support to
begin with may be a strong negative force.
- You will require a lot of emotional endurance. Not only may your parents not cheer for success, they may not support you on issues of marriage, family, especially if you are 25+ years old.
- There is also the financial issue of not having enough money for preparation in the absence of parental support, and more so if one is unemployed.
Having said that, We believe that if you are truly dedicated and can monetarily support your preparation, you should give it a go. mppsc best coaching in Ashoknagar You need to take care to set a limit to the number
of attempts you will be taking rather than drift along till all the attempts allowed by the MPPSC are exhausted. You may then even earn your parents’ support as you make a conscious choice. Parents do respect
children with a clear head. Having a timeline would reduce their opposition.
Not having parents’ support can also be a blessing in disguise as it will be a ‘tough love’ approach. You will be more motivated and will give your best to the preparation.
Last but not the least, all efforts must be made to bring parents on your side. Emotional intelligence must be used to at least make them neutral if not outright supportive.
Is it true that telling friends and relatives about your MPPSC preparation can cost you dearly later mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
You have to understand that the MPPSC is ‘perhaps’ one of the most unpredictable exams. Hyped or not, one’s fate depends on multiple variables that are beyond one’s control. Success is not guaranteed. Ashoknagar
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Thus, if you let people know that you are preparing for it, especially people who are ready to judge you, tease you, or, worse, take sadistic pleasure out of your temporary setbacks, and then the cost is going to
be high. best coaching for mppsc No one wants to be subjected to that kind of harassment, especially from relatives and some so-called friends.
They might even try to dissuade you from attempting the MPPSC, instead advising you to get a steady job or get married and settle down.
Thus, perhaps, it is better not to tell everyone.
Be discerning about the people with whom you share such information.
Motivation and Accountability
How should one keep oneself motivated while preparing for MPPSC mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Motivation may be a fickle matter—it goes up and down. When it is in low phase, one feels two things: fear and self-doubt.
In the social media blitz where people are ‘enjoying’ their lives, it is easy to feel demotivated and thus we share some of our personal ‘tool’ to stay motivated: One can get unplugged from all social media.
One must remind self every now and then that the timing in life is important and not the time itself: If I let go of this train of learning now, I may never achieve my goal. All the ‘fun’ that others seem to be
having can be had later, there is no age bar on going to Goa after all!
It is not as if you can have no fun at all. One can replace the need of using social media with something else. YouTube can be your refuge or watch video lectures of Sharma Academy. You may browse your favorite
movies, serials, which are not syllabus-related. These keep your mind fresh without distracting it longer than you decide. mppsc coaching fees
One can listen to motivational songs .If you really think about it, fun is pretty ephemeral and assumes many shapes—just as the grass looks greener on the other side.
If you meditate, please do that at least once a day as it will melt away your stress and motivate you.
In moments of self-doubt, you have to remind yourself that you are on the right track and that every serious aspirant has felt like this at one time or the other. Try to take your mind off studies for 10–15
minutes every now and then. mppsc coaching
Take a walk or listen to some music, then come back to work with a fresh mind. Do not fight the occasional feeling of self-doubt. Let it pass. Soon enough, you will be on track.
After MPPSC two failed attempts, how do I keep myself motivated mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar? In times of setbacks, it is true that motivation takes a big beating. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
You need to remember that motivation is for most part intrinsic. There is only so much anyone else can do to motivate you. Everyone has their moments of self-doubt. It is healthy as long as you do not allow it to
become self-pity. mppsc coaching near me. What you do after these failures will decide whether you will be further motivated or not. Thus, you need to keep looking forward.
Now that you have made two attempts, you may try the following:-
If you have not been able to clear the Prelims, try to analyze what went wrong. Is it the objective nature of the paper? Is it the panic of marking wrong answers or something else? Is it time management?
Exam-like practice by solving test papers is required to clear the Prelims.
- You probably just need more strategic thinking about how to utilize your time more efficiently. It is a competitive exam. You need to do more in less time.
- Your revision should be quick and wholesome. Revise the minimum number of pages with the maximum amount of useful information. Ashoknagar mppsc coaching
- Identify your weak and strong areas and prepare accordingly.
- Internalize the thought that “this attempt is my last”. It will ensure that you do not slacken while preparing. This is ‘motivation’ enough. Give it all you have in that attempt.
These steps will motivate you practically to look forward and take better decisions in the future.
How does one overcome self-doubt during the MPPSC preparation mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Self-doubt is a necessary evil while preparing for the MPPSC. It keeps you on your toes by eliminating complacency but it is an evil because it may slow down your preparation, especially at crucial times.
To overcome too much of it, try the following:
- Accept self-doubt within limits: you cannot fight it without fully embracing it.
- Once you know the enemy, you can fight it off with a strong internal motivation. Remind yourself that there is no one who can actually be without self-doubt while going for this exam.
Innovate: This is a very good remedy to ward off self-doubt. Do not become rigid in your preparation technique, do something new. Improve upon your style of note-making, for example. This way you will
accomplish more during the preparation itself. top 10 mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
Talk to your family and friends who have a positive outlook. You may also read about famous and successful people who are self-made, about their life journey, and about how they overcame their feelings of
self-doubt if any.
- When in doubt, try solving some previous years’ papers, especially those of the Prelims. This will boost your confidence.
Just remember, self-doubt craves for your attention. You may beat it only by taking action. You can do it!
How do I overcome loneliness during the MPPSC preparation mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Loneliness during preparation for exams is natural. It is actually required to the extent of reducing distractions. top mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
However, if you have been preparing for it while away from home and under constant stress, then you may try the following:
- Keep communicating with your parents and close friends and avoid any negativity coming from curious (and unhelpful) relatives.
- Find stress busters for yourself, like some hobby that makes you feel at home so that, when indulging in them, you are transported to a world known to you.
Keep some time aside for your hobbies in your schedule so that you do not feel guilty of pursuing your hobbies. No one can work continuously without relaxation. Do something you enjoy, though we would
tell you to keep clear of social media! mppsc coaching fees
- Learn to enjoy loneliness itself as you enjoy learning.
- If you have been preparing for long, you may consider moving back home. There is no place like home—the food, the bed, the warmth.
- Constantly remind yourself that it is a path chosen by you and you alone. You owe it to yourself to give it your best. Get over your thoughts of loneliness and move on!
Just remember:If you are alone and getting bored, obviously you are in bad company.
Do the MPPSC aspirants really need to study for 16–18 hours mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
No, absolutely not!!
No one can study for 16–18 hours a day on a long-term basis. This will just give you dark circles under your eyes and hasten the ageing process!
In our opinion, you should study in a pattern that keeps you motivated, energized, and even allows you to take breaks in between. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar with fees
When the exams are close, you may have to put in more hours, but even then 16–18 hours of study is a bit much. In fact, a week before your exam, you should start sleeping properly, irrespective of how you slept
earlier, so that your body gets rested and you wake up refreshed for the exam.
As far as number of hours is concerned, it should be decided by the individuals, based on their study pattern, mental and physical attributes, time available to them, etc.
Stress and Anxiety
How can I get rid of anxiety and nervousness during an MPPSC exam mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
All exams test not only your knowledge but also your nerves. MPPSC doubles down on it with multiple-day exam in two shifts, different pattern for the Prelims, the Mains and Interview and so many other variables.
Thus, you need to keep calm by doing the following on the exam day:
Double-check that you are carrying the required pens, admit card, ID etc. You do not want to panic later.
Read the instructions carefully and fill out the particulars correctly. (name roll no, centre, etc.) Attempt questions in sequence 1, 2, 3…. minimize wasting valuable time in flipping the pages. Do not break the
sequence unnecessarily. Ashoknagar mppsc coaching
For the Prelims, it is important to see that marking in the OMR sheet is done carefully and without haste. There are no do-over in marking.
Do not count your questions after each cycle of marking the answers in the Prelims. Count once so that you have a fair idea about how much you have to guess For the Mains, attempt in sequence. Also, be prepared
for any changes in pattern. Do not panic. Remember that it is the same for everyone.
Time your writing so that the clock does not surprise you.
The above measures would serve to reduce your anxiety and help you to work better in the exam.
Coaching and Test Series
Most people and toppers suggest that joining a coaching is more beneficial than self study. Suggest mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
This is a question that has been repeatedly asked. We would begin by inviting you to think on another matter- have you ever been to a specialist doctor in a private hospital for a specific ailment, fully knowing
that the 5-star hospital you are at may overcharge you?
I am sure we all have been there. This is the essence of monopolization. While hospitals have the monopoly of doctors, coaching institutes have a similar monopoly for the MPPSC preparation, at least as far as the
teachers go. That is why we cannot totally avoid them.
Sometimes, there is no one we know personally who can tell us what to do. With this details, it is our sincere effort to reduce this gap, so that, if you decide to go to a coaching institute, you would
have made an informed decision. mppsc best coaching in Ashoknagar
- We derive a sense of satisfaction that we have completed the syllabus once in a structured manner at the institute.
Classroom teaching is what we have grown accustomed to in the course of our education. So, learning becomes natural in the classrooms of coaching institute like Sharma Academy as well. Ashoknagar mppsc
- There is a feeling that our competitors are going there and we may be missing out on knowledge that we could have too.
- For people who want to have some contact with other prospective candidates, coaching institutes offer a community. Online communities are there, but these may not be as active.
- Coaching fulfils the need of continuity and accountability, as self-accountability is difficult to achieve.
- Test series are important as these come the closest to simulating an exam-like experience, and coaching institutes like Sharma Academy provide that experience.
What factors must I keep in mind before joining a coaching institute for the preparation of the MPPSC mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Should you decide to go for coaching after weighing all the options, there are some factors that you need to be aware of:
You should know whether it is a good institute. The yardstick is whether they finish the syllabus properly in time or take the kangaroo approach of jumping. Also, their batch strength is important. A
smaller one is preferable. All these traits are available at Sharma Academy with offline classes.
Do not have a laid-back attitude when going in for coaching. Be proactive. Ask questions. And do not worry what the guy/ girl sitting next to you might be thinking about you. They would not, in all
If you have finished reading up the NCERT books before coaching, it is good. Read standard books too. This reading will put you ahead of fellow aspirants in the class and you will grasp the concepts
better. mppsc coaching fees
With the above parameters in mind, you may join a good coaching institute.
What is a test series? What features should be kept in mind while selecting a good MPPSC test series mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
A test series is a package of tests offered by various institutes at various stages of the preparation for the exam (Prelims, Mains). Ashoknagar mppsc coaching A good test series like one that Sharma Academy provides
you'll be a step ahead of all.
Some of the common features of the test series offered are as follows:
Offline/online modesThere is another classification: offline mode and online mode.
- In the offline mode, you get to attempt the paper at the centre of the coaching institute, submit it, and get it evaluated in a few days.
In the online mode, you get the paper on a portal, download it and print it, attempt it at your home, scan it, upload it on their portal, mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar get it evaluated, and see the evaluated
copy online.
Desirable features provided by Sharma AcademyThe desirable features of a test series are as follows:
- Detailed solutions of questions after the test is over
- Detailed evaluation of answer sheets
- Discussion of all the tests by a teacher
- Doubt clearing sessions
Sharma Academy MentorshipSome institutes offer a mentorship programme with their experts to help you with your shortcomings. Whether these experts have any real expertise would determine the
quality of this programme. A detailed look Now, let us have a look at the substantive part of the test series in more detail. Prelims level These are objective tests having two kinds of tests in them:
(i) Sectional tests with different subjects like polity, history, geography, economics, etc., and (ii) full length tests (FLTs) with all subjects combined. mppsc coaching near me
Sharma Academyoffer one test series every year with 20–35 tests in them combining the above two kinds. Since there is little subjective evaluation, there is no issue. Thus, the quality of the
test would be based on the level of questions. top 10 mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
Mains level: General StudiesThese tests are subjective tests based on the exam pattern. Here also, there are the sectional tests and FLTs.
The test helps you assess your speed and quality of writing.
Tests are checked by an evaluator and, as these are written answers, there is much scope for subjectivity in evaluation.
You should not take this evaluation too seriously, especially the marks. mppsc coaching Due to cost-cutting issues, most institutes hire aspirants to check these papers who have targets to achieve but Sharma
Academy provides you with quality teachers who do not have any target.
You should stick to the schedule of the test series as much as possible and evaluate your progress in terms of (a) syllabus coverage, (b) speed of writing, and (c) content improvement over a period of writing
What is a good time to join a test series?For the Prelims, join 3–4 months before the exam date when you have started to prepare rigorously and exclusively for the Prelims. There is no point in
joining too much in advance as that time is better spent on the preparation of the Mains GS.
For the Mains, both GS and the optional, if you are joining a long test series with more number of tests, join 7–8 months prior to the Prelims date. Prepare for the Mains and write the tests simultaneously and
continuously within schedule. top mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
During preparation for the Prelims, you may suspend the study/tests for the Mains for a while and resume later (in the gap between the Prelims and the Mains).
What are the cheapest and the best test series for the MPPSC Mains? Are there any free test series available to download mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
If you are looking for papers only (without evaluation), there are many options available for free. However, for the Mains, evaluation is a key aspect to help you write better answers. It is difficult to label
any test series as good or bad. Thus, a mix and match may be required to get a satisfactory outcome, and some research may be required. We have seen the following to satisfaction at Sharma Academy.
The cost of test series varies from institute to institute. If the quality of questions and evaluations is good, it is an expenditure worth making with the maximum ROI (return on investment). Later, before the
Mains, you can choose a limited 4 or 8 test series for practice and confidence-building. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar with fees
How do I get the maximum benefit from the MPPSC test series for the MPPSC Prelims and the MPPSC Mains mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Joining a test series is not the end but only the beginning. To get the maximum benefit out of it, here are a few things to do.
For the Prelims You could keep the following in mind:
- Take 2 hours to solve a paper and 2 hours to analyze your mistakes.
- Learn from the explanations provided. Without this, there is no point of any test series.
- Add the learning from the explanations to your notes so that you do not need to go back to that PDF for revision.
Maintain an Excel sheet to track your progress test-wise. Also maintain a notebook to write the common errors you are making—something you think that you should have remembered—and focus on those topics
in the next round of revision.
- The graph of progress should become better eventually. You should see an uptrend in scores and downtrend in number of mistakes. If not, go back to source material and study.
If you feel that questions seem random, coming out of the blue, as it were, (which happens a lot as coaching institutes are hard-pressed for novelty), do not over think on those questions. Ashoknagar mppsc
coaching. If they ask you to identify lines from shlokas from XYZ Upanishad just because MPPSC had asked a Mundaka Upanishad question in past or a question on some obscure lagoon, do not worry. These will
take a lot of your time without actually benefiting you much.
Focus on sectional tests that would help you in strengthening your core subjects like polity, history, geography, or economics. Try to see what you have missed. Try to incorporate learning from the test
series on the margins of relevant pages in the books you are studying for the subjects. Once this is done, you can discard those test papers and remain clutter-free.
- Thus, pick up a test series by Sharma Academy based on the quality of questions as well as the explanations.
- Make sure that you revise your test series 3–4 times to be able to use them in actual exam time. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
Remember, even if the MPPSC has asked what weird questions at times seem, there is no way that you can master, or anticipate, each one of them. Some good guessing has to be tried, and with good
preparation of basics, you can pull it off. And, of course, some luck counts.
For the Mains, it is trickier in the case of the Mains than the Prelims. The following pointers may help.
- Focus first on developing content and leave speed for later. Thus, for the first few tests, you may take more than 3 hours to finish.
Analyze your tests after writing them and try to think of alternate ways of presentation that can improve your answer using fewer words and taking less time. For example, instead of writing the steps of a
circular flow diagram, you could depict it in an actual cyclical fashion. Use of some creativity, insertion of maps, diagrams, etc., can be thought of in these test series.
Usually, the Mains tests take time to be checked. By the time these tests are checked, aspirants move on to the next test. Ashoknagar mppsc coaching Make sure that whenever your test is returned after
checking, you take an hour to read the comments. Many a time you might disagree, so seek a clarification and do not accept everything as gospel. You have a right to get your doubts cleared, and the
institute is responsible for answering your questions.
- Try to learn points from their Model Answers. Do not worry if these are not within the word limit as institutes provide a wide coverage in these answers. Note down extra points in your notes/diary.
- Do not focus on marks too much. None can match up to the MPPSC and you know it! So, just focus on your goal of self-improvement. Seek peer opinion when in doubt.
- Use this test series to experiment with different pens and see what works best for you. (Some aspirants ask ‘pen’ related queries one day before the Mains!)
- Try, as far as possible, to write on answer sheets like those in the actual exam.
Change over the Years
Will the craze for the MPPSC increase or decrease in the coming 5–10 years mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
In the coming years, it is likely the craze for the MPPSC will increase rather than otherwise.
Why? Here are some reasons:
The economy in India is still not very job-centric. If jobless growth continues to dampen private sector employment, there is a push factor towards government jobs. The secure nature of the job is attractive in
the insecure job market. It continues to be the middle-class dream. This exam is respected due to its continuity (i.e., it is held every year almost without fail), integrity, and fairness. best mppsc coaching in
Social mobility due to the status of civil servants is another important pull factor. More women are also stepping into the race as clearing this exam would give them more independence in life.
People from richer backgrounds are attempting the MPPSC as they have more resources to sustain themselves in the long term. This is a big drive of competition. Social media acts as a platform to further glorify
this exam. Results are tweeted, and toppers become celebrities.
Moral of the story: BRACE YOURSELVES!
The Cut-off and Scaling Conundrums
What is the cut-off for the exams? Does the MPPSC declare it after every stage result mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Simply put, the cut-off decides the minimum marks that you should get to qualify for the next stage.
For the Prelims, since its marks are not counted for the final merit, you just need to cross the cut-off for your category to qualify for the Mains. mppsc coaching near me That cut-off applies only for GS I; GS
II is a qualifying exam where you need to score at least one-third of the total marks of that paper.
However, you do not know the cut-off for GS I till the results are declared, so you just have to do your best.
For the Mains, clearing the cut-off gets you an interview call. But some people cross it by 1 mark and some by 200 marks. This difference figures in the eventual merit list and the final ranking, so putting in
your best efforts matters.
Worrying about cut-off is, however, a waste of time. best coaching for mppsc in Ashoknagar
So, my best advice is that you should not get embroiled in useless discussions about the cut-off marks. There is nothing called ‘prediction’ or ‘insider information’ that may help you.
Use your time gainfully, especially during the 90–110 days between the Prelims and the Mains. Every day counts.
The Day before the Exam
I have studied so much, everything under the sun. But now I feel I don’t remember much for the MPPSC exam tomorrow. What do I do to get over this feeling mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
The MPPSC is more than just an exam that tests your book knowledge. This exam stirs up deep emotions and insecurities, and managing them is part of your preparation too. best coaching for mppsc. Thus, take these
feelings as challenges and deal with them accordingly.
Here is what you can do the night before the exam:
First of all, accept that you are having these feelings. Denial won’t help. But, then, so is everyone else experiencing such feelings. You are not alone. Once you realize this, dealing with negative
feelings becomes that much easier. mppsc coaching near me
You should focus on important things. Make sure that the things you need for the exam are in order:
- Admit card
- Pens including a black ballpoint pen for attendance sheet
- Clipboard
- Carry bag
- Water bottle
- Your spectacles—if you wear them
- You could check out the location of your examination centre; if in doubt, take a trip to be sure.
- Make sure of your ride–taxi, etc. Keep one option as ‘insurance’.
- As for last-minute revision, take up just one subject as you do not have the time to revise everything. Carry as few books as possible to the examination centre. mppsc coaching fees
- Revise topics like geography maps, statutory bodies of polity, tiger reserves in India, etc. These are some examples. The idea is not to revise the entire syllabus but to touch upon some aspects.
- Tire yourself by watching some motivational videos, play an active sports etc. Playing an instrument can be great for your mental acuity.
Do not watch a movie though. What you do just before the exam remains in your short-term memory. If you fill your latest memory with a movie, it might be a little difficult to recall important things.
- Talk to your parents and take their blessings. If you are religiously inclined, visit a holy place nearby. top mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
Last but not the least, sleep properly. Six to eight hours of sleep is a must. You want to remain as sharp as possible and a rested brain is a happy brain. Even if you have left some topic, a good sleep
will ensure that your mind remains alert for everything that you have studied.
Your guesswork would improve a lot with this. Your instincts have to be at their best. You are ready. You have prepared well. All the boxes are checked. Now, hope for some good luck and carve out your destiny.
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Attempts after success
Would I be judged unfairly, compared to others, by the interview board if I appear again after getting selected once? Is that considered wasting a precious seat in the MPPSC mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
The interview board can certainly ask you this question. But there is nothing wrong about appearing again for the service of your choice, just as there is nothing wrong leaving all other career choices, even a
well paid job, for writing the civil services examination.
Writing the exam is your right as a citizen of India. As long as there is no rule barring such participation by the DoPT, you are well within your right to do so. Thus, there is no need to feel apologetic about
your choices. top 10 mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
It is true that all civil services give you a chance to serve the people of your country, but if there is some specific work profile that you feel is better for you, then you could try for it in an open
examination that is not biased for selected or non-selected candidates. Thus, the argument of wasting a seat does not hold.
But be cautious: do not criticize your current service at any cost. That would show you in a poor light. You never know who is on the other side of the table. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar Even otherwise, it is not a
good idea to bad-mouth a government service as all services have their utility. In fact, you should speak positively about your current service. This would reflect well on you.
Be polite in defending your choice by explaining the new opportunities offered by the service you are aiming for. Remember that, in such instances, emotional intelligence is your best friend.
It would help if you discuss the matter with your peers and seniors in your current service as they may also question you on this issue; it will give you an insight about the arguments on both sides of the table.
Go prepared for this question and maintain calm. Internalize these thoughts and let them come naturally to you, should you encounter this question in the actual interview.
Alternative Careers and Tough Choice
What can be done to utilize the pool of talented aspirants who fail to clear the MPPSC and decide to move on with other options mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
In a highly competitive exam such as the MPPSC, we can never be too sure about success, so one needs to be prepared with a backup. Fortunately, the MPPSC does arm one with several employable skills. You need to
know when it is time to make a decision to take a fresh path, another career. It is never too late.
Let us look at some good opportunities waiting for you:-
- The government has come up with a policy to make the talented aspirants, who could not clear the MPPSC, employable in private organisations. top mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
Teaching in a coaching institute is an option. Depending upon how far you went in the exam and how many times, you may find employment here. These places pay well but you need to be in and around coaching
hubs to exploit this opportunity. The good thing is that coaching institutes are opening up at several places (in many Tier II cities as well).
Online platforms are practically always hiring. They ask you to prepare free videos and get a subscription before putting you on their payroll. It is up to you how well you can market the skills that you
acquired as an aspirant. mppsc coaching The benefit is that you can teach from anywhere with a good internet connection.
- Try clearing the NET exam in your subject and take up a teaching job in a reputed college. You can pursue research in your area of interest with a JRF scholarship.
Get absorbed in policy think tanks. You have to approach these institutes with a resume. Try to get a meeting with them to convince them of your skill as a MPPSC aspirant. On paper, this may not look like
a skill to a recruiter. Thus, you should be ready with a thesis in your area of expertise. Do look at the Observer Research Foundation website; many interns write their research findings in the form of an
article. You can get a feel from there. top mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
- Seek higher education in foreign universities, if you can afford it or can avail a scholarship. Subjects like economics, public policy, public administration, etc., can be good areas.
- Many aspirants can pool their talent for a start-up too as they are full of ideas. Attending start-up conventions is a good idea.
- If you want to go for social service, joining an NGO could be a way.
Remember that joining the civil services might have been your dream while preparing for the MPPSC, but you never know what may lie ahead. It is not the end, just a bump on the road called LIFE!
How to study MPPSC mains GS Paper I-Part A (History) mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
GS paper 1 should be studied from five aspects; these five aspects are clearly laid out in the syllabus that PSC prescribes. We'll list out the five aspects that you will have to study for this paper,
- Ancient History
- Medieval History
- Modern Indian History & India's Post-Independence History
- MP History
- Indian Art and Culture
1. Indian Art and Culture
Upon taking a look at the previous year question papers it can be seen that the questions pertaining to art and culture is often analytical in nature as against questions of factual content. best mppsc coaching
in Ashoknagar In order to answer questions which are analytical it is important to know the basics of art and culture thoroughly.
One can completely rely on NCERT textbooks and yearly compilations on art and culture along with current affairs which pertain to any form of Indian art, craft, tradition and culture, In addition to this all the
knowledge that one would have accumulated during the study for the prelims examination will be sufficient to answer one the questions in the mains. Good habit would be to develop and analytical bent of mind while
studying the NCERT's.
What do you mean by analytical? Let us give you an example, suppose there is a question on the comparison of Nagara and Dravida Architecture. In such a questions the facts needed is readily available in the book,
these facts are useful for answering questions in the prelims but for the mains one needs to understand these facts from a social cultural economic and political perspective. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar with fees
To illustrate the above, Nagara architecture temples did not have boundary whereas temples of Dravida architecture had elaborate boundary walls. You will now have to ask yourself as to why such boundary walls
were built? Upon analysis it can be noticed that inside the compound walls there were not only temples but there were also towns, settlements and places of economic importance which contributed to the trade and
commerce of the kingdom of that time. It contributes to social structures such as marriages and classical dance performances happening within temple complexes. By looking at facts in the above manner it would be
very easy to answer questions pertaining to art and culture.
The foremost aspect is to have a questioning mind, this way you will answer all questions with case. Ashoknagar mppsc coaching
It would also be useful to practise drawing of simple aspects of art and culture in less than 30 seconds. For example, temples of Dravida and Nagara architecture, Buddhist architecture such as stupas and other
such things can be drawn very easily with practice. Such drawings contribute to the answer and will give an aspirant more marks. Remember, every additional mark puts you ahead in the race.
2. Modern Indian History
Every aspirant that has prepared for the preliminary examination can with relative ease answer questions from modern Indian history. The sources for modern Indian history are,
- NCERT textbooks
- A Brief History of Modern India by Spectrum Publications.
- Sharma Academy Class Notes
With these three sources alone one can get hundred percent of the marks which has been allotted for modern Indian history in GS Paper 1.
3. India's Post-Independence History
India's post-independence history will be anything post the year 1947. For this one can watch, first one is called Samvidhaan and the second one is called Pradhan Mantri. These two shows cover some of the most
significant historical since the dawn of independence in India. These make for an interesting watch and an aspirant can use them a source of entertainment amidst their busy preparation schedule. Ashoknagar mppsc coaching
4. MP History
The notes provided by Sharma Academy, Madhya Pradesh- Ek Parichaya book can be referred for MP History.
5. Ancient History
Books that are beneficial for ancient history in PSC are R.S. Sharma's India's Ancient Past, and notes provided by Sharma Academy are sufficient.
How to study MPPSC mains GS Paper I-Part B (Geography) mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
- World Geography
- Geography of India
- Geography of Madhya Pradesh
- Water and disaster management
- Advanced Techniques in Geography
Refer Sharma Academy notes for above all topics
How to study MPPSC mains GS Paper II – Part A (Constitution, Governance, Political and Administrative Structure) mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
The syllabus of GS Paper 2 contains the subjects of polity, governance, social justice and international relations. best coaching for MPPSC These are the polity governance social justice, administration and
management, political thinkers all under one head.
The NCERT textbooks will serve as the base for preparation relating to all aspects of governance and social justice. Therefore while studying these books for the prelims one should keep an eye out for all
such topics which will have relevance to governance and social justice. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
It is to be noted that all the aspects of governance social justice and polity is drawn from the Constitution and these aspects are explained really well in the NCERT textbooks. So by combining the
knowledge relating to Laxmikanth, Sharma Academy MPPSC mains Paper II - Part A book in which all 5 units are covered and current affairs one can answer all questions from this section.
The book on polity by Laxmikanth will act as a ready source for the preparation of this paper. One will have to know important articles, case laws and quote them in your answers. Thereby it would be
important to know Part III and Part IV of the Constitution along with the various constitutional bodies thoroughly so as to answer any questions with relevant constitutional provisions. Ashoknagar mppsc
coaching Along with this pay attention to important citations, provisions and keywords which are mentioned by the Supreme Court in the High Court in their various judgements so as to be able to quote them
in your answers. Make note of catchy phrases in Laxmikanth. For example, ‘the preamble is the microcosm of the constitution’, such phrases should be used in answers.
Also, We would suggest that you make a list of a few important case laws which will fit into almost any answer. For example, Kesavananda Bharati, PUCL, Indra Sawhney, Shreya Singhal etc. such cases are
constitutionally very important and they broadly deal with a wide range of aspects and can thereby be used as a citation in any answer.
Along with this use monthly current affairs magazines and yearly compilations by institutions which will cater to all the above subjects and will give you the relevant case laws, examples and content to
write answers based on polity, social justice and governance. mppsc coaching near me
Most importantly pay attention to the newspaper which you read every day. Almost every question on the above topics will have some place in the day to day news. Upon studying and reading one year's worth
of newspaper one will surely have enough knowledge to answer any question based on the above topics with relative ease.
Be sure to keep an eye out for important names of the committees that have contributed to any aspects of governance, names of important government schemes and programmes, names of case laws, important
pronouncements of the courts and any important amendments to the Constitution which has substantially changed the nature of governance. Such things need to be quoted and mentioned in every answer so as to
add enough weight and substance. best mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
How to study MPPSC mains GS Paper II-Part B (Economics and Sociology) mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
In order to be able to write good answers for questions on economics one needs to have sound knowledge on basic/static concepts relating to economics. Every aspirant that has passed the prelims examination will
have this knowledge as they would have studied the NCERT textbooks or Ramesh Singh as the case maybe.
In addition to this it would be important to study the budget and economic survey. One can personally use compilation material and the gist of the budget and economic survey which has been prepared by Sharma
Academy class notes. top mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar These compilations will deal with all the key features and aspects of the budget and economic survey and will list them out in a point wise format. This will make
the studying of these two along with revision very easy.
Along with this one will have to read the newspaper regularly and will have to pick up on any news relating to economics. One should also refer to the info graphics which contain statistical information and data.
These resources as mentioned above will be sufficient to enable an aspirant to score good marks in economics questions.
How to study MPPSC mains GS Paper III (Science and Technology) mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
The syllabus of GS paper two contain issues/aspects relating to,
- Science and Technology
- Energy and the Environment
To write good answers on questions pertaining to environment and energy one should have studied the environment book by Sharma Academy thoroughly, this would be normally done by any student that would have
written prelims.
Also try practicing some simple diagrams to represent some environmental aspects such as food chains, food webs and transfer of energy. mppsc best coaching in Ashoknagar Along with this the daily newspaper will also
give you sufficient material to write answers for mains.
The study of science and technology in relation to writing good answers in the mains examination can be done by reading the newspaper and the current affairs compilations. Sharma Academy release a current affairs
magazine which will have all the information related to science and technology with detailed explanation which should be sufficient.
Ashoknagar mppsc coaching. Along with this the yearly compilation can also have a dedicated booklet on science and technology. Studying this alone will be sufficient to answer the questions that appear in mains. The
idea always would be to study less but revise more.
How to study MPPSC mains GS Paper IV (Philosophy, Psychology and Public administration) mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
One can approach to this paper by reading lexicon, or class notes provided by Sharma Academy etc. We'll tell you as to how one could prepare for ethics in a few simple points-
Take the syllabus of the paper and try to pick apart each and every word that is listed in the syllabus. Google each of these words and their meanings. Each word in the ethics paper syllabus should be
taken as important. best coaching for mppsc in Ashoknagar For example, the word attitude is mentioned in the syllabus, We would suggest that you google the word attitude, get a definition in a very simple
format and try to define attitude in your own words. A similar exercise should be done with all the words. This simple understanding of all the words will help you define any aspect of GS4 in your
Try to collect 20 stories on renowned persons nationally and internationally. Usually the lives of such people will comprise of all the ethical values and aspects that one needs for the ethics paper.
These stories can be used to define any ethical aspect of GS paper four and can be used to substantiate any question. top 10 mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar. One can pick up stories of Gurunanak, Tulsidas, Raja
Rammohan Roy and Swami Vivekanand to name a few and from the International sphere ,stories of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle etc to name a few.
One can also collect stories and examples from recent events to quote in answers. examples can be found upon reading the newspaper daily and numerous such examples can be written down so as to be used
Also try to remember some of the personal events in your life which have defined you and have shaped you to become the person that you are. Such events can be summarised in short and some ethical aspect
and dimension can be drawn from this. Adding this to answers will help you have a slight edge. mppsc best coaching in Ashoknagar
- For the section on moral thinkers you can look at short videos on Sharma Academy video lectures or try Sharma Academy notes which have spoken about all these moral thinkers in a lucid manner.
What is the MPPSC General Studies Paper II in prelims all about? How to prepare for it mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Colloquially known as ‘CSAT’, Paper II of the MPPSC Prelims is a qualifying paper with 100 questions and 200 marks. Though a high score in this paper is not required, one has to qualify. Ashoknagar mppsc coaching.
So, some preparation is required, especially if you are not from a stream that has mathematics as a subject or are not acquainted with reasoning tests.
Let us take a look at the syllabus prescribed by the MPPSC:
- Comprehension
- Interpersonal skills including communication skills
- Logical reasoning and analytical ability
- Decision making and problem solving
- General mental ability
- Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) of Class X level
- Data interpretation(charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency, etc.) of Class X level
- Hindi Language comprehension skill of Class X level.
To get through this paper, you may keep the following in mind:
Take a look at the previous years’ papers to gauge the kind and level of questions and your own ability as per your aptitude. This will help you in determining how much effort you need to put in the
preparation. mppsc best coaching in Ashoknagar
You will find that a large number of questions are math based. Practice mathematical formulas from any book catering to bank PO or management college entrance examinations or you can refer to content
provided by Sharma Academy. Note down the formulas and study how they are used to solve questions. Mathematics is the sure shot way to qualify this paper as accuracy in these problems will gain you
straight marks. You could read some books available in the market on quantitative aptitude for competitive examinations. They give the formulas and shortcut methods which will prove helpful in your
Logical reasoning is a low hanging fruit in this exam. You need to get familiar with the type of questions set. Basic logic has to be understood. You need to know how to deduce conclusions from the given
statements, how to determine whether certain events are causes or effects of other events, and so on. top mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar. You need to develop steady reading and understanding of the passages
that give you the basic premises on which the analytical reasoning questions are based. Most of these questions may be easily solved with the help of diagrams.
General mental ability is another area which can be mastered with fair ease. The questions are likely to be on series—alphabetical as well as numerical or based on figures; coding; direction; dices;
images (mirror and water); relationships; and others. You have to study and practice questions to gain the ability to crack the pattern and reach the correct answer quickly.
If you have attempted competitive examinations for banking or for entering management institutes, you would already be quite familiar with the kind of questions that are set in logical reasoning,
analytical ability, and mental ability. If you are totally unfamiliar with these areas, you could go for Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal. This book covers most of the reasoning ability
areas along with examples. It gives a large number of questions which are solved with explanations.
Comprehension is a slightly challenging section. The passages could be short or long and require concentrated reading to understand them. best coaching for mppsc The questions based on the given passage
are not always simple as the answers are not directly visible in the passage. There are many questions that test your ability to critically analyse the passage and understand the message and assumptions
in the passage.
The papers in the last few years seem to have ignored ‘interpersonal skills including communication skills’ and ‘decision making and problem solving’, though they continue to be mentioned in the syllabus.
mppsc coaching. The question items in these areas, when they did appear in the paper, were not subject to negative marking, so a good guess at the answer would not be a bad idea. These questions are based
on given problem situations to which you have to choose the correct response.
As a general strategy to qualify this paper, your interests will be best served by focusing on the mathematics, logical ability, and general mental ability questions, and answering the easier questions in
- You need to master the technique of elimination, even if it is not applicable in answering all the questions.
Will I be able to get a good score while attempting the MPPSC previous years’ question papers of the Prelims for the first time mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
At your first try, it is most likely you will not score too well as revision is the key to score good marks. So, do not be demotivated. It is just a reminder that the MPPSC papers require some consistent hard
work and several revisions to crack them.
Also, while attempting for the first time, do not look at the overall score. Look at your performance, question by question. Focus on where you went wrong. mppsc coaching You can do the following: -
Classify the questions into easy, medium, and difficult. You should have been able to answer the ‘easy’ questions and a few of the ‘medium’ ones after 2–3 revisions of the subject from a basic book.
There is no need to worry if you were not able to answer the ‘difficult’ items as their number in the paper is likely to be inconsequential. You will be able to answer at least some of the difficult items
in the exam after your preparation is complete, i.e., after you have revised your basic book a number of times and complemented it with your reading of other sources, especially newspapers. mppsc coaching
near me
If you were stuck on the easy questions, you should focus on why this happened. It probably means that your reading and revision were not thorough. So, you know what to do. Read with greater
- Then go to medium and difficult questions and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Once again, better revision is the way to improve.
- Repeat this process for questions in all the subjects.
Remember that you may be good in some subject and not so good in another. This is a subjective matter, varying from person to person. Well, you have to work harder in those subjects that you are not
already good at.
End Note:Attempting the previous years’ paper or a mock test is not as if you are attempting the actual exam. You have time to improve, so keep revising and get better at the subjects. Never take
the score of a mock test as a final assessment. top mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
What is a good strategy for current affairs in MPPSC exam mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Current affairs is, no doubt, the vaguest of all the subjects prescribed for the MPPSC. Where do you begin and where do you end? News keeps piling up every day and, even after reading from several sources, you
may end up surprised at what the MPPSC asks in the test.
Moreover, the term ‘current’ seems to be interpreted by the MPPSC as including even events that occurred anywhere between 2–3 years before the ongoing year. mppsc coaching near me Questions are, now and then,
based on developments that took place few years back. This makes the current affairs section even more unpredictable. The subject seems so amorphous that it is natural to feel anxious about how to study the
subject. Current affairs specific classes and content are provided by Sharma Academy.
So, how to go about tackling this subject?
- Gathering information on current events from a few select authentic sources is the sensible way to go about it rather than haphazardly collecting random information from multiple sources.
Major newspapers, such as The Hindu and The Indian Express, are reliable sources of current affairs for the Prelims. Both factual and opinion-based news are important. The opinion-based articles are
useful not just for the Mains but also for the Prelims as they often contain relevant points on the history, effects, and future connotations of an event. Here is where the ‘Explained’ pages of The Indian
Express come in useful as well as the frequent items in The Hindu that give additional information relating to a fresh development. A thorough reading of the newspapers is, therefore, necessary. Of
course, it has to be selective reading. You have to train your eye to locate the relevant matter. Ashoknagar mppsc coaching
Tread a balanced path on editorials, some of which tend to show bias, especially on political topics. For diverse opinions on contentious issues, you may refer to varied sources, such as magazines, etc.,
online and then take an informed stand on it. Make sure that you note down main points of opinion columns. (This, however, is more important from the Mains point of view.)
Other reliable sources are the PIB (Press Information Bureau) and RSTV (Rajya Sabha Television) and some videos provided by Sharma Academy specific to MP. Here, too, making notes of what you see and hear
is of utmost importance so that you might revise later.
You may subscribe to a monthly magazine (for competitive exams or current events) as a secondary source for the sake of completion of your study. best mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar. Do not use this as a
substitute for newspaper reading. However, if you have started to prepare late, you may have to refer to these magazines. Ashoknagar mppsc coaching After all, to cover older developments, you cannot go
through a backlog of newspapers. In such a case, just go through previous monthly current affairs/competitive examination magazines and revise the events. If you are not able to do this, just forget it,
as the cost-benefit ratio (the effort put in compared to the returns) would be unfavorable.
Do not go about searching for factoids of all kinds, especially as the exam approaches near; gather new information only if it relates to some earlier development for the purpose of updating. You should
focus on revision and on remembering what you have already learnt in the later days of preparation.
Make notes from all the sources. Do not think that you can refer to these sources directly before the exams. Your revision would be as good as your notes. Everything that you do should be governed by
practicality. top 10 mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
Revising from your notes, from time to time, is important. You could, for example, revise current affairs notes for the entire week on Sunday. This would keep the issues fresh in your memory and help you
in the long run.
How to make notes of The Hindu/The Indian Express while preparing for MPPSC mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
This answer is for both the Prelims and the Mains.
Broadly, there are two categories and two modes of making notes:
Categories |
Modes |
Stage-specific (separate notes for the Prelims and the Mains) |
- Offline |
Integrated notes for the Prelims and the Mains |
- Online |
This is the way most candidates work, of course, with some subjective differences. In our opinion, a combination of modes works as long as the coverage of current affairs is comprehensive, concise and can
be easily accessed for revision at the required stages of preparation. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar No strategy is perfect or uniformly valid for everyone.
The strategy that works is a combination of both categories and online mode of note-making.
While reading the newspaper, we would highlight the main portions and add one's views to the issue, if any, in a rough manner. Initially, it is difficult to frame one’s own opinion, but eventually, after
diverse reading, it is easier to connect the dots.
- We never had a physical notebook or loose sheets of paper for making notes. A bit of an environmentalist that way! best mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
We would incorporate notes from the newspaper in these notes. Thus, our notes were topic-wise and not date-wise or source-wise. The notes thus, integrated online at the level of writing them. A note on
the Election Commission, for example, would contain all important information on the commission, irrespective of its date of reporting in the newspapers.
- After this, we would copy Prelims-worthy factoids in a separate note. For example, in the Environment Notebook.
The reasons why one can choose this method are as follows:-
- It allowed editing, avoids repetition, and maintains consistency throughout the preparation period.
It allowed to see the BIG picture regarding any topic as points get added over the course of preparation. mppsc best coaching in Ashoknagar. This helps immensely in preparing for the Mains; but even
for the Prelims, it is a useful method: when current affairs of 2021 will be asked in 2023, you would be able to get the relevant information to answer.
- It is most helpful in revising things quickly. We would be able to reduce content every time you revise with just a few clicks and highlight the very important portions easily.
- No time is wasted in flipping pages to look for content. The ‘search’ tab option makes all the difference.
How do I make notes from RSTV while preparing for MPPSC mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Rajya Sabha Television gives a lot of insightful videos every day, such as Big Picture, Desh Deshantar, Vishesh, India’s World (about India’s foreign relations), etc. These serve as opinion makers and add value
to various topics.
The ideal method is to watch the programmes on television or the videos available of the programmes and make notes alongside using pause feature if required. Ashoknagar mppsc coaching
You may resort to notes on the subjects of RSTV given out by some websites like insights on india, civils daily, etc., free of cost. Some of these websites include summaries and comments which are useful. Make
your own notes.
You may incorporate your notes in the existing notes on the topic discussed to eliminate duplication of the note-making effort.
How do I ensure success in the MPPSC Prelims mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
After all is said and done, this is the ultimate question! The Prelims stage is perceptibly the most challenging stage of the exam. This is because serious as well as non-serious aspirants attempt it, thus
increasing competition. So, anxiety about success is natural. mppsc best coaching in Ashoknagar While there are no short cuts for a 100 per cent success, there are some dos and don’ts to be kept in mind to improve
one’s chances.
Some Dos
During Preparation
First and foremost, fill your application forms for the MPPSC correctly. Every year, there are some aspirants who make avoidable errors in their forms and then they end up wasting a lot of time on correcting
those. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar. An error-free application form is your first success!
You must have a razor-sharp focus on the subjects you study. While the paper’s composition may change in terms of the number of questions from different subjects, you may be assured that most questions will
continue to be from polity, economics, history, geography, and environment. Thus, do prepare these subjects thoroughly with having a deep knowledge as per MP's perspective.
Practise mock tests. You may find good Test Series at Sharma Academy for both pre and Mains that will be of great help. If you want to reduce anxiety during exams, take your mocks seriously. Make sure you do at
least 10 of them in serious exam conditions, taking the test at one go and controlling the time factor.
Revise as many times as you can, with full concentration. You may have read a lot of things in months of preparation, but mere reading is not sufficient; the reading has to be such that it helps you retain and
recall the matter during the exam. Especially during the last week before the exam, revision becomes all-important; if you can revise all the subjects then, it will push up your chances of success. top 10 mppsc
coaching in Ashoknagar
Thoughts of insecurity may come, but do not let these thoughts overwhelm you. Just do your work with a clear mind.
Sleep properly the night before the exam. Naturally, your mind works wonders when properly rested.
During the Exam
During the exam, fill your particulars in the OMR sheet correctly. Again, many aspirants commit avoidable errors here.
Keep yourself hydrated and take all essentials like admit card and correct pens with you. Check whether question paper is properly sealed.
Maintain a calm mind:you will have a greater recollection capacity with a calm mind which is your biggest asset in the exam.
Once you finish the formalities of filling in the details on the OMR sheet, start answering the question paper from the top. No wasting of time in flipping pages. best coaching for mppsc in Ashoknagar
This question paper tests not only your knowledge but also your common intelligence; remember that elimination of answer responses often helps you get the correct answer.
Go about answering the questions in a systematic manner, and in order. best mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar. Leave a question if it appears tough and go on to the next one. Finish with the questions you know and then
come back to those you have left. The relief of having finished with the ‘first round’, so to say, might give you that extra sharpness of mind to answer correctly even those questions which you found tough in the
first instance.
If there is some question which is completely undoable, make a big X across it so that you do not waste time on it in the next round of reading questions.
Read each question and the responses carefully, taking note of cue words such as ‘not’, ‘only’, and ‘always’.
Choose your answer response carefully after reading all the given responses; sometimes, the first one seems correct, but one of the others is ‘more’ correct.
Be careful while marking your answers on the OMR sheet. mppsc best coaching in Ashoknagar. The number on the OMR sheet should be the same as that of the question you have answered. This is especially important to
note if you skip a question or two in the paper. Skip a question; make sure you skip the corresponding number on the OMR sheet. To ensure there is no error, start marking OMR sheet at least 30 minutes before the
end time.
Some Don’ts
During Preparation
Do not run after too many magazines on current affairs because, after a while, cost-benefit ratio will be reduced. Pick one magazine or current affairs book by Sharma Academy and stick to it. Make notes,
highlight facts, and revise constantly. mppsc coaching fees
Do not waste time making notes from books that are already concise; just highlighting is enough.
Do not read for the sake of reading. For example, if you read an article from the Wall Street Journal, either be sure to make notes or do not bother reading it.
Do not run after each and every mock test. Be selective and choose Sharma Academy's exclusive test series. We would suggest a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 40 (inclusive of sectional tests).
Just before and during the Exam
Do not indulge in conversation about the subjects with other aspirants outside the examination venue just before the exam. Do not bother your head if you hear someone mention a factoid you were not aware of. Your
hard work will work for you; be confident and conserve your energy for the exam. mppsc coaching near me Once within the hall, do not waste time glancing over the entire paper first; just plunge into answering the
No panic in the exam hall: we study, study, and study but forget to control one factor that should be controlled, i.e., our nerves. If we are unable to answer the first four questions initially, we start to
sweat. You need to control this tendency, otherwise it is bound to affect your ability to answer other questions with a clear mind. Remind yourself that it is a competition and everyone is in the same boat;
others too will find some of the questions tough.
Do not waste time over any single question; if you find it difficult, move on to the next one.
Do not wait until the last moment for marking the right options in the OMR sheet (and against the right number).
Do not frequently count the questions you have attempted during the exam. Save time and focus on attempting more with accuracy. mppsc best coaching in Ashoknagar We can assure you that if you follow the above to the
last letter, you are bound to gain competitive advantage over a large number of aspirants.
Revision of GS
How do we remember things effectively for MPPSC mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
There is a lot to read, and a lot to remember.
The three mains points to take note in this context are:-
Revision There is no alternative to frequent and numerous revisions. The more you revise, the more you retain. It is as simple as that. Your preparation is only as good as your revision strategy. A
minimum of four revisions is required to create good recall value during the exam.
Attempting mock tests Another way to create more pathways in your brain to connect things is to apply your information. As you use your information for answering, you tend to remember more and more.
Answering mock tests helps you to work in the exam mode, Ashoknagar mppsc coaching understand your weaknesses and strengths, and better retain what you have learnt. This is where the importance of sectional
tests lies.
Discussion with other serious aspirants Do you find constitutional development in modern history difficult to retain? Then discuss provisions of the Acts of 1909, 1919, 1935 with someone. Chances are that
this discussion would stick in your head forever! This is the reason we never forget conversations we had in school and college days but we often forget what our professors taught us!
The above-mentioned ways (best used in combination) ought to help you improve your retention power in a huge way.
How can I revise my personal MPPSC notes, current affairs or otherwise, in a short span of time mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
For revising your notes in a short span of time, keep the following points in mind:
- Your notes should be crisp and short; shorter the notes, less the time taken to revise.
- Minimize the number of pages, both digital and physical. It will reduce the time taken in searching for notes.
- Edit your notes to the least number of words—in bullet points wherever possible.
- Use diagrams for topics like disaster management, environment, etc.
- Highlight important points. However, highlight only those points which are supremely important or which you have a tendency to forget. top mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
Use mnemonics. For example, if you take the Forest Rights Act, there are five rights given to tribal population, with one key word. Devise your own shorthand so that you would not even have to go through
the short notes. In this case, it is TUFRI:-
- Title rights
- Use rights
- Forest management rights
- Rehabilitation rights
- Intellectual property related rights
Employ this technique as much as possible. It never fails.
With every iteration of revision, cut down stuff more and more. Do not shy away from editing out stuff that you have no difficulty in remembering as there is no point in reading it multiple times. This,
of course, depends upon each person.
Can you give a strategy to revise Geography and Environment portions for MPPSC preparation mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
You could convert many topics in these subjects into maps and/or tables. These formats will help you to retain useful matter. Let us see how we can do this:-
Minerals and metals—a table with three columns
- Name of mineral
- Locations in India
- Any relevant remark—for example, types of mineral, quantity found in India, why found in a certain region, anything special in world context …
- Major rivers like the Ganga, Yamuna, Indus, Brahmaputra, and the peninsular rivers, marking their origin mppsc best coaching in Ashoknagar
- Their courses on different sheets by drawing magnified state maps
- Their tributaries from their places of origin, course, and where they meet the main rivers
- Using WRIS (Water Resources Information System) website and NCERT Geography for data. top 10 mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
- Using Wikipedia
National Parks and other environment lists—maps
- Around 5–7 such lists like Ramsar sites, various wildlife reserves, elephant reserves, biodiversity hotspots, natural heritage sites, endangered wildlife, etc.
- Details of location to be noted on political map of India.
Crops—table with six columns
The six columns would be: name of the crop, temperature required, suitable soil, precipitation required, major states of growth and production, and any other remarks (Some of the minor crops, such
as turmeric, ginger, spices to be included)
G.C. Leong, 15–25 Chapters—table and map
- Table: Name of region, precipitation range, temperature range, human activities, special remarks
- A consolidated world map showing all regions; colour coded
It takes time to make these maps and tables, but it is worth it as you get to revise everything in less time.
What is the best way to revise a monthly magazine on Current Affairs for MPPSC preparation mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
One can read a magazine online and add the relevant information in my note. You can also refer the current affairs booklet provided by Sharma Academy. mppsc coaching near me If you prefer offline sources and have
kept physical copies to read and revise, you can keep the following points in mind:-
You should have one magazine for one month and that too in a readable condition. Highlight only the main portion of the magazine. Be very careful; not more than 20–30 per cent should be highlighted, else the
exercise would lose its value.
Revise sectionally: 6 months of polity together, then 6 months of economics, and so on. It will allow you to skip repetitions and you can revise one subject at a stretch, thereby increasing your efficiency.
Revise 4–5 times at least.
You will have to choose your own way, the mode and manner with which you are most comfortable.
Do MPPSC aspirants have to be thorough with the India Year Book of every year? How to go about it mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
The India Year Book is an authoritative source of information related to the activities of the Government of India. Ashoknagar mppsc coaching. Yet, its worth in the scheme of examination is continuously declining. It
is too bulky and data-oriented to be useful for aspirants (and the data is most often outdated). Also, most of the important things given in the book are covered elsewhere in a better manner.
It has value in finding some particular data that you might need for writing a particular answer during practice. Beyond this, it does not have much value in the MPPSC scheme. mppsc coaching near me
Answer Writing in GS
When and how should I start practicing answer writing for the MPPSC Mains mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
The art of answer writing takes time to build up. One is likely to feel preparation has not been adequate or thorough enough in some subject or the other, but you need to take the first step at a suitable point
of time.
The first step is the hardest, so let us try to formulate a broad framework that can be flexibly adopted by aspirants to understand when they should start writing answers.
Remember that preparing for this exam is a continuous process as new information pours in every single day. Thus, there is never going to be a time when you would feel completely satisfied with your preparation.
True, you have to attain a certain comfort level of knowledge in a subject before you begin to answer questions on it. For any subject, you should have gone through your chosen books 2–3 times at least and
absorbed the contents to a large extent. Do not think in terms of attaining perfection. top mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
You should be at a stage where you can understand the demand of the question even if you cannot supply all the information at that moment.
The best time to start attempting answers is, thus, after 3–4 months into serious preparation. One can also join test series for mains specific at Sharma Academy to have a good practice.
How to begin if you have no clue about what the MPPSC exam demands mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
There are educational site like Sharma Academy's website that give you an idea of how to answer questions, taking up specific questions in specific subjects. You may or may not find model answers here, but you
will get a broad idea of the framework of an answer, how to start, and what points to keep in mind.
There are also videos by Sharma Academy toppers and faculties that explains the nitty gritty of answer writing. Ashoknagar mppsc coaching Write for 2–3 weeks and evaluate yourself. Take the help of model answers and
standard books and notes to see the gaps in your performance. As you gain confidence, try to time your answer:
Start writing for both static and dynamic portions. Draw diagrams for making your presentation better. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar. But do not overdo it as content remains most important.
You may join a test series of Sharma Academy too. Always take their evaluation with a pinch of salt. The purpose is to put yourself in an exam-like situation and finish the paper in time.
If you have initial hiccups, there is always an easier way: refer to the papers of top rankers that they wrote in their test series and are available for free. This will give you mental satisfaction that there
are hardly any ‘perfect’ answers. You can then proceed with your practice.
How can I improve my answer writing for the MPPSC Mains mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Answer writing practice for the Mains plays a determining role in one’s eventual success as it trains the mind in exam orientation. We all have written descriptive answers in our school and college examinations.
All we need to do is to understand the demand of this particular exam and align ourselves in that direction.
Refer to the previous years’ papers to analyze the type of questions. This would help you to make better notes, which would reflect in your answer writing. Answer the questions. Even if they are not likely to be
repeated as such; practicing them will help you get an idea of how to write answers. Join the Mains Test Series of Sharma Academy as it'll help you in gaining your confidence.
We have given the following 12 pointers for improvement:
An important aspect of answer writing in any exam is that your handwriting has to be legible, and you have to write fast as well. mppsc coaching fees So, select the pen you are most comfortable with. This
is a basic requirement which should not be left to settle till just before the exam. Experiment with several pens. A good pen should be smooth and enable writing with speed.
Read the questions properly. You should understand what the question demands. Is it asking you to discuss, examine, explain, take a stand, or give your suggestions? ‘Explain’ and ‘critically analyze’, for
example, ask for rather different approaches in your answer. There may be sub-parts in the question, and you should not miss out any of them in your answer. You are at liberty to underline, make your own
subparts, etc., in the given question to make it easy to remember all that you have to include in your answer. Locate the key words in a question and underline them, so that you write an answer keeping
them in mind.
Your answers should be well organized. top mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar. Just like in an essay, each answer should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion, and there should be a logical flow from one
to the next part. In the introduction, the premise that you intend to develop or defend or a relevant definition/fact should be stated. The body should comprise substantiation of that thesis in its
various aspects. Several short paragraphs or points from the body. mppsc coaching near me The conclusion should follow from the thesis and body; remember that your conclusion should reinforce your thesis
and not go off at a tangent or, in any way, contradict what you said in the beginning. You may include solutions to a problem if the question demands.
Write in points/paragraphs according to the demands of the question. A combination of both is also good. If facts are asked for, bullet points may be used; if an opinion is asked, a paragraph is the
better mode. Naturally, if a question asks for both facts and opinion, the answer needs to be a combination of bullet points and paragraphs.
Start thinking in points. Train your brain. If you are reading a topic, think of the points and its dimensions. You can take the help of the syllabus itself to bring in various dimensions (political,
historical, social, legal, economical viewpoints). mppsc coaching. Just jot down the points as you remember them; you can arrange them properly when you write the answer.
Try to illustrate your arguments with diagrams wherever feasible. You can use cause and effect, cyclical, or sun-ray diagrams. You could take diagrams, charts, etc., from the Economic Survey and NITI
Aayog reports and use them in your notes and then in your answers.
- Make a separate note of statistics that can be used across answers (and essays, too). Revise regularly and update them so that you have the data ready for use on the exam day.
It is necessary to adhere to the word limits stated in the examination, especially if the instruction is ‘not more than… words’. So, check the word limit for each question. Practice writing within those
Start your practice by answering the questions in a previous year’s paper. Try to answer the questions within the given time limit. You will get an idea of the speed you require to do justice to the
Join a test series (of Sharma Academy); top 10 mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar The MPPSC official site itself has model specimen papers showing the space available for answering each question. Get peer
evaluation and refer to model answers. If you join a test series, do read the comments given and seek clarification when in doubt. Stick to the schedule of tests as procrastination is a mischievous devil
that prevents one from achieving targets.
Even if, in the initial attempts at question papers, you take more than three hours to complete a test, do not worry. Keep working on the above points for better output. However, eventually, time
management has to be mastered.
Find some time in your weekly schedule to revise your notes. Your brain is as sharp as your last revision. Also, preparation may be for a long period, so we tend to forget what we had read earlier.
Refresh your memory every now and then.
How can I develop critical thinking and analytical skill for MPPSC Mains mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Many of the questions would ask you to analyze a particular policy or an event.
Analysis involves understanding all the dimensions, and the pros and cons of a topic or issue in an objective manner and devising a solution that can be defended and is acceptable. top 10 mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
Critical thinking offers more scope for a subjective approach (within limits, of course). The writer’s own perspective on an issue will get reflected in an answer to a question that asks for a critical analysis
or examination of a matter.
You could try the following approach:-
- Use facts and figures from well-known and reputable sources like the ARC, NITI Aayog reports, etc., in support of your view.
- Think in terms of cause and effect. There is a chain of events, especially helpful in international relations and economy.
- Think of sub-headings for answers. This will force you to think up more points.
- Think of solutions to problems, especially while reading newspapers. This will open your mind to various dimensions.
Over a period of time, this process will get internalized.
How can we get an edge over other MPPSC students by presenting unique content in the MPPSC Mains mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
As the content consumed is more or less similar for all, be it from books, newspapers, or online sources, getting an edge is dependent on how well you organize and present what you know.
There are some basic things you should focus on:-
Read, understand, and answer all parts of the question. Many aspirants end up losing marks by not addressing some aspect mentioned in the question or by over emphasizing one at the cost of another.
Begin your answer with a relevant introduction as applicable—a fact, statistic, or a definition. No thumb rule, as such, but make it relevant to the content of the question.
While diagrams make an answer attractive, do not go overboard with them. Use diagrams only if they improve upon or illustrate a vital aspect of the writing. mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar with fees For example, cyclic
diagrams are effective, but cause and effect diagrams with only two nodes are useless as you would just be repeating what you have written. Thus, do not waste your time and the limited space.
Use diagrams from government reports including the Economic Survey for current developments, and do mention the source of diagrams, wherever possible.
Write precisely, and be grammatically correct. Choose your details for the answer carefully so that you do not exceed the given word limit. Here is where presentation helps to give you that slight edge over
competitors. mppsc coaching Your language skills and ability to structure the content will fetch you those vital extra marks.
Focus on finishing the paper within the stipulated time. A golden zone is where you balance quality and quantity. For this, you should practice writing fast as well as legibly.
After writing practice answers, go back to the sources for the subject, and see what could be edited and/or added to your answer to make it better.
You should develop the ability to dig deeper into your existing knowledge for answering questions that are less familiar.
The need of intelligent guesswork arises in the Mains too. If you can think only of a point or two for an answer in the actual exam, do not waste time thinking; just write what you know in as clear a manner as
you can. For example, geography and climate-related questions can sometimes be answered by intelligently recalling and applying causes and effects derived from theoretical knowledge and common sense. mppsc
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Is practice necessary for the ‘static’ type of questions while preparing for MPPSC mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Most static portions will relate to the subjects of history, cultural heritage, geography, polity (to an extent), economy (marginally), and ethics theory. There may be questions on science and technology that
involve theory, so that they are at least partly static.
You may think that once you have mastered the facts there is little need to practice answering such questions. However, practicing answers to such questions is important because they will help you in the
following aspects:-
ArticulationContinuous reading of ‘static’ portion gives us a lot of material. But you need to articulate it properly in the form of an answer that is required for the exam. Take, for example,
‘the effects of water currents on human activities’: this falls under the static category. You would need practice to write a good answer for this question with proper diagrams and labelling within the stipulated
word limit and time available.
Keeping it shortIt is easy to overshoot the word limit in the static type. Practice will help you to know how to filter out the less relevant details and write only the important ones.
Practicing diagramsjust as in the ‘current’ (or dynamic) portion, you should try to incorporate diagrams in the static as well. It is almost imperative in the subject of geography. People draw
diagrams even in answers to questions on art and culture. You may plan the use of diagrams by your practice of static items. top mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
How do I practice answers for the static portions of the MPPSC Mains mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Here is what you do about it:-
- Take a sectional test (question paper) of Sharma Academy on the subject. Write them as per your schedule and capacity. About 3–5 questions per day should be good enough.
- After writing, check the explanation/model answers and go back to the sources/books.
- Once again, check the explanation/model answers and go back to the sources/books.
Practice makes perfect, so goes the saying. May be there is no perfect answer in the subjective mode, but you will be able to do your best. mppsc coaching
What is the difference between the presentation and content of an answer in MPPSC exam? Which one is more important mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Some students have this issue as to what is more important—content or presentation.
Content is ‘what’ and presentation is ‘how’. No doubt, content is more important. Presentation is like seasoning in food. top 10 mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar. Though presentation does give you an edge over others who
have written an answer with more or less the same content, it would not fetch marks in the absence of good content.
Presentation can add clarity to your answer. By drawing a cyclical diagram of the vicious circle of poverty, for example, you can add value to the content. But what will you present if you have no idea of what to
present? So, master the content and then present it in a manner that would make it more clear to a reader (in this case, the examiner).
Content is, thus, primary, and presentation is secondary. When both come together, you shine! But remember the priority.
Are MPPSC exam toppers able to write the ‘exact’ answers to the questions asked in the exam? The questions seem to be getting rather vague, year by year. How do you approach random questions mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
The idea is to write an answer as close as possible to what a question demands. If the question is random, try defining the terms mentioned in it. It is all about practice and how well you can apply your
knowledge. Remember, there are no ‘exact’ answers in a subjective test. There may be model answers, but more than one kind of answer may be equally correct and could fetch the same marks. Ashoknagar mppsc coaching
Being a topper does not imply flawlessness; it is about being less flawed than the others. Otherwise, people would get 100 per cent marks! The cut off marks in the Mains are nowhere near 100 percent; in fact,
they are not all that high. You have to try to do your best.
Practice more and more. Take the help of standard sources and model answers and do not tax yourself beyond a point. Focus on revising the material you have studied instead of collecting material from multiple
For the MPPSC Mains GS papers, do we always need to write the negative aspects on a topic along with positive ones in the answers mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar?
Usually, a balanced answer with both positive and negative aspects is a safe option. This line of thinking has worked well for all those who have cleared the exam. However, it depends on what the question
actually asks for. best coaching for mppsc in Ashoknagar
Let's take an example here of the question, ‘Does impeccable integrity reduce the efficiency of public service delivery?’ top mppsc coaching in Ashoknagar
This question is testing the foundational ethical values (integrity) against the practical mindset of society which tends to lean in the direction of the view that "some corruption greases the wheel of
governance". You need to address this question directly in the following framework:
Can you really say ‘yes’ to this question without sounding completely unethical? What ‘cons’ or negative points would you include in your answer to this question? It would be best to disagree with the proposition
completely. What you can do is to explain why such a view has developed at all, and point out that this mindset needs to be radically transformed.
For many questions, however, there are two sides, both of which may have some merit. You may mention both sides briefly and then state and justify your conclusion. mppsc coaching fees
In the paper on ethics, you must be careful to keep within the ambit of the foundational values of civil services mentioned in the syllabus of the paper besides the constitutional values.Avoid justifying a morally compromised position at any cost, although you may include as to why some people posit such solutions; however, do not condone such a view.