Sharma Academy
online study materials
are one of the most simple and easy-to-learn notes on any topic of MPPSC. That’s the reason why we are loved by students just like MPPSC exam toppers. These notes and study material have been prepared in simple and crisp language that is easy to comprehend and retain.
Our MPPSC study materials
consist of comprehensive study notes on subjects like General Studies, Management, History, Law, Sociology and Biotechnology. The History study material is useful for some of your general studies and interview parts as well. Apart from this, in order to strengthen your preparations we have study materials like free online test series
and pendrive Course, SD Card Course and Tablet Course
that comes with a minimal cost.
Here you will get links to all Sharma Academy MPPSC online study materials
and mppsc notes
, which are completely free. Our mission is to make your learning an enjoyable experience.
Get free study material and notes for preparation of MPPSC Civil Services exam.